Tesseract helps British Gas to expand and diversify

Sep 09, 2015 • FeaturesBGHNfield serviceSoftwareSoftware and AppsAsolvi

Tesseract is helping British Gas expand and diversify by optimising service management at its renewable energy division, British Gas Heat Networks.

The road ahead is Clear: taming white van man

Sep 09, 2015 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyMIcrolisedriver performancedriver safetyfield servicefleet managementtelematics

As telematics specialist Microlise launches  Clear, its new driver coaching and behaviour app developed specifically for field service organisations, Kris Oldland discovers his inner White Van Man and realises that not all stereotypes are true…

Tesseract helps ENWA Water Technology (UK) chart a new course

Sep 08, 2015 • Newsfield serviceSoftware and Appssoftware and appsAsolvi

When business growth meant ENWA Water Technology UK had outgrown its existing service management software software,  it turned to Tesseract to chart a new course. 

New gaming era, new role for field service

Sep 08, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceResearchClickfield service

Like any other industry, the world of the casino has had to adapt to the many trends and changes in which new technologies offer a range of options for maintaining, supporting and implementing operational activities. ClickSoftware explores how the...

The Changing Face of Field Service

Sep 03, 2015 • FeaturesCranfied UniversityFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicemillenialsmplsystemsfield serviceService ManagementService Management Expotelogis

Service Management Expo 2015 saw a number of excellent debates including a panel discussion that focused on the challenge of replacing an ageing workforce. As the millenials take over the work place, moderator Kris Oldand asked the panel just what...

Industry leaders: John Cooper, Sony Professional Solutions, Europe. Managing complexity: Part 2

Sep 01, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceresourcesfield serviceInterviewServiceMax. Planet ZheroesSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In Part One of this interview in our Industry Leaders series, John Cooper, Head of IT and Workflow Solutions in Sony’s Professional Solutions unit in Europe explained why he and his colleagues needed to revisit their existing service infrastructure...

Three Major Areas of Field Service Evolution

Aug 31, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceMobileMobilityfield serviceIoTThe Service Council

In the continual evolution of field service, mobile will continue to be the most impactful technology for enterprise field service in the near future, more so than the Internet of Things, writes Sumair Dutta, Chief Customer Officer for The Service...

Consolidation in field service software

Aug 27, 2015 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsClickSoftwareExel Computer Systemsfield serviceservicemaxSoftware and Apps

For some time, it seems everywhere you look, companies in or close to the field service software sector are on the acquisition trail. Microsoft's acquisition of field service software company Field One in June was followed in July by the sale of ...

WorkWave reports revenues up 55%

Aug 25, 2015 • NewsWorkwavefeld service managementfield servicefield service managementSoftware and Appstelematics

Workwave, the US-based provider of cloud-based solutions for businesses with mobile workforces,  reports revenues up 55% and adds 900 new customers. 

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