ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘servicemax-planet-zheroes’ CATEGORY

Industry leaders: John Cooper, Sony Professional Solutions, Europe. Managing complexity: Part 2

Sep 01, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceresourcesfield serviceInterviewServiceMax. Planet ZheroesSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In Part One of this interview in our Industry Leaders series, John Cooper, Head of IT and Workflow Solutions in Sony’s Professional Solutions unit in Europe explained why he and his colleagues needed to revisit their existing service infrastructure...

Editorial Leader: Field Service News issue 5 - Power to the People

Apr 19, 2015 • FeaturesAbbott DiagnosticsAdvanced Field ServicekeytreeLeaderMagazine (digital editions)resourcesDigital Issueebooksfield service europeServiceMax. Planet ZheroesTOughbook

Click above to get your digital copy of Field Service News issue five now!

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