Field Service Software 2014 Benchmarking Report: Part Three – Future of Field Service Software

Jul 23, 2014 • FeaturesmplsystemsResearchWhite Papers & eBooksfield serviceSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

In this third part of this series looking at the findings of our exclusive research report into field service software we focus on the future of field service software. You can read the first part of this series which looked at scheduling and...

SaaS field service revolution levels the playing field

Nov 12, 2013 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefield serviceSaaSSoftware and AppsSoftware as a ServiceManaging the Mobile Workforce

Software as a Service (SaaS) has been much heralded as a software delivery method that is set to revolutionise the way businesses operate. Often it is seen as being at the heart of business technology in the future. In the field service industry...

Case Study: Optimising the mobile workforce behind London's Boris Bikes

Nov 08, 2013 • Newsleadent solutionslondon bike hireOptimisationoptimisationboris bikesCase Studiesclick softwarefield serviceManaging the Mobile Workforce

One of the biggest success stories to come from the London Mayor's office was the introduction of Barclay's London Cycle Hire (locally known as Boris Bike's after London's affable Mayor Boris Johnson who introduced the scheme) an ambitious project...

Courier company set to improve field service staff productivity by 30%

Nov 08, 2013 • NewsCourier softwareDA Systemsfield serviceParts Pricing and Logistics

DA Systems, a UK provider of mobile data and transport management solutions for the transport, retail, healthcare and field service sectors, is pleased to announce that north-west courier company City Connect Couriers, (CCC) has purchased its...

Biotage increase field service efficiency with ServiceMax

Nov 08, 2013 • videoNewsOptimisationBiotageCase Studiesfield serviceManaging the Mobile Workforce

Biotage offers solutions, knowledge and experience in the areas of analytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, peptide synthesis, separation and purification. In this video we here from Chris Lacey, Field Service Manager, about how he worked with ...

PGA Drives High Stakes Data Capture with Intermec CN50 & Scan Read Technologies (1/2)

Nov 08, 2013 • videoHardwareNewsData CaptureIntermecPGAfield serviceScan Read

In the first of this two-part series, learn how the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) deployed the Intermec CN50 and Intermec CK71 rugged mobile computers with the help of Scan Read Technologies to boost data capture capabilities at high...

PGA use Intermec and Scan Read for in the field data capture (2/2)

Nov 08, 2013 • videoHardwareIntermecPGACase Studiesfield serviceHandheld Computing

In the second of this two-part series, the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) discusses their volunteer program, data capture using the Intermec CN50 and CK71, the services of Scan Read Technologies, and what it takes to pull off PGA events.

The driver distraction app from Romex that could save lives

Nov 08, 2013 • videoFleet TechnologyNewsdriver distractionfield servicefleet managementromex

Romex's new Driver Distraction Prevention mobile app offers a simple, cost effective and easy way to prevent the use of mobile phones for calling, texting, emailing or social media whilst driving. The only exception being emergency calls e.g. 999....

Aubrey Fox on "the changing role of Field Service"

Nov 07, 2013 • videoAubrey Foxfield serviceField Service NewsTrimbleUncategorizedParts Pricing and Logistics

Trimble Field Service Management's Aubrey Fox discusses the changing role of field service.

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