Infographic: How self driving cars impact travel law enforcement

Aug 18, 2017 • FeaturesAutonomous VehiclesinfographicsresourcesDenmon PearlmanDriveless Vehiclesdriverless cars

The conversation around how driverless cars can be implemented in field service operations and the benefits they bring is an important one - however, one part of the conversation often overlooked is how autonomous vehicles could help field service...

Infographic: Are you prepared for the Connected Customer

Jun 06, 2017 • FeaturesAsteainfographicsinfographicCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Today's connected customer is more empowered than ever before. This brings about it's challenges and also its own opportunities. Are you ready to embrace these? Are you prepared for the connected customer?

Infographic: Achieving revenue growth with your service operations

Mar 24, 2017 • ManagementconnectivityinfographicsresourcesField Service USAinfographicselling serviceService OperationsService Revenue

Ahead of this years Field Service USA event in Palm Springs, The team at WBR have put together this great infographic which takes a look at some of the key areas that will be under the lens this year...

Infographic: Uberization of Field Service

Mar 15, 2017 • Future of FIeld ServiceinfographicsresearchResearchresourcesClickSoftwarefield serviceinfographicUberization of field service

The 'uberization' of field service is a topic gaining much traction of late, could the gig economy alleviate pressures for field service companies meeting ever increasing customer expectations of shorter appointment windows or will it present too...

Infographic: Building your outsourced super service squad

Mar 08, 2017 • FeaturesManagementAsteainfographicsmanagementOutsourced Field Serviceoutsourcingfield serviceinfographicService Management Software

This great infographic from the team at Astea covers some of the key challenges and some top tips for ensuring any outsourced field service operations continue to uphold your brand standards and ensure your customer satisfaction levels remain high.

Infographic: The 'uberization of service'

Jan 16, 2017 • FeaturesinfographicsresourcesClickSoftwareinfographicInfographics

Infographic from ClickSoftware explores the consumer and suppliers views of key field service consumer frustrations...

Infographic: Mobile trends to look out for in 2017

Dec 07, 2016 • Featuresinfographicsbizness appsinfographicSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

With a view towards the looming new year the team at Bizness Apps have put together this fantastic infographic outlining some of the key trends in mobile to look out for in 2017...

Infographic: Roadmap to Service Innovation

Nov 09, 2016 • FeaturesAsteainfographicsresourcesinfographicService Innovation and Design

Brand new infographic from Astea shows how field service organisations can work towards innovating their service delivery mechanisms...

Infographic: The importance of first time fix rates

Sep 21, 2016 • FeaturesAsteainfographicsresourcesfirst time fixinfographicSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Improving first-call/visit resolution rates can be challenging and frustrating for field service organisations, because there are so many factors and variables that prevent technicians from completing a repair on the first visit.

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