ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘driverless-cars’ CATEGORY

Aptiv Launches Fleet of Autonomous Vehicles on the Lyft Network

May 23, 2018 • NewsAptivAutonomous carsKevin ClarkLyftdriverless carsfield servicefield service managementfleet management

The potential utilisation of Autonomous Vehicles within the field service has been discussed for some time so forward-looking field service organisations may be keen to see the latest developments in this emerging technology have made public use of...

Infographic: How self driving cars impact travel law enforcement

Aug 18, 2017 • FeaturesAutonomous VehiclesinfographicsresourcesDenmon PearlmanDriveless Vehiclesdriverless cars

The conversation around how driverless cars can be implemented in field service operations and the benefits they bring is an important one - however, one part of the conversation often overlooked is how autonomous vehicles could help field service...

5 emerging technologies impacting field service today

Mar 28, 2017 • Features3D printingForresterFuture of FIeld ServiceJuniper ResearchKPITwearablesdriverless carsdronesgartnerGary BrooksIoTSyncron

Gary Brooks, CMO, Syncron outlines some of the key technologies set to have a significant impact on field service in the not so distant future..

A Third of Transport Professionals Think Autonomous Vehicles Won’t Work

Jul 28, 2016 • NewsFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceMIcrolisedriverless carsfleet

More than 33% of transport industry professionals do not believe autonomous vehicles will work, according to findings published recently in the Microlise Transport Conference post event report.  


Dec 02, 2015 • NewsAutonomous carsConnected carsJuniper Researchdriverless carsself-driving carsTechnology

A new study from Juniper Research forecasts almost 20 million fully autonomous or self-driving vehicles on the road by 2025, with consumer adoption set to take off in 2021. These driverless cars will, however, represent only 1% of all vehicles on...

Infographic: Driverless cars are coming

Oct 14, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicedriverless carsinfographictelematics

This excellent infographic published by Cox Motor Parts shows us that the Driverless Vehicle is coming ever closer...

UK bids to lead driverless cars R&D

Jul 27, 2015 • Newsautomotive technologyresearchdriverless carsTechnologyUK Government projects

The UK Government has launched a £20 million competitive fund for collaborative research and development into driverless vehicles, along with a code of practice for testing the technologies. 

Driverless Cars, Pizza and Field Service: Part Two

Jul 15, 2015 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologydriverless carstelematics

In the first part of this feature we looked at how the arrival of the driverless car is imminent with tests being held in open roads across a number of countries including the UK. Now in the second part Kris Oldland looks at how the technology could...

Driverless cars, pizza and field service: Part One

Jul 05, 2015 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologydriverless carsTechnology

Driverless cars have been on the horizon for a number of years now, however it seems the shift from exciting prototype to functional reality is coming ever closer and at ever-greater speed. Kris Oldland reviews developments in  a two-part feature.

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