Infographic: The 'uberization of service'

Jan 16, 2017 • FeaturesinfographicsresourcesClickSoftwareinfographicInfographics

Infographic from ClickSoftware explores the consumer and suppliers views of key field service consumer frustrations...

Infographic - top field service management software

Jun 05, 2015 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsinfographicsCapterrainfographicInfographicsSoftware and Apps

Based on research by Capterra this handy infographic identifies the strengths of some of the key software providers you may find in the field service sector...

Thinking Offensively: Service and Servitization As A Business Model

Apr 27, 2015 • FeaturesManagementinfographicsresourcesInfographicsservicemaxServitization

New infographic from ServiceMax shows how the benefits of going on the offence...

INFOGRAPHIC: Understanding the importance of the doorstep experience

Jun 23, 2014 • FeaturesinfographicsDA SystemsInfographics

DA Systems outline 6 very good reasons why you should make sure your customer is focussing on delivering service excellence through the doorstep experience you give to your customers in this excellent infographic.


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