ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘future-of-field-service-2’ CATEGORY

A short story about Servitization: Part One

Jul 29, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceM2MmanagementDr. Michael ProvostServitization

Whilst the trend towards Servitization is rapidly becoming increasingly important for manufacturers and one that will have a significant impact on how field services operate, it is often viewed as a complex subject.

The world is changing: is your service organisation ready?

Jul 21, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceCHange Managementfield serviceIFSsoftware and appsUberCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Field service organisations must adapt in a rapidly changing world, says Tom Bowe, Industry Director, Enterprise Service Management, IFS.

The 2020 Field Engineer’s Toolkit – Part 4

Jul 09, 2015 • Featuresconnected devicesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicemachine-2-machineIoT

In this exclusive series written by Field Service News Publisher, Kris Oldland, we’ve seen how a number of emerging technologies could change the way our field engineers work in the not so distant future.

Technicians can be revenue engines

Jul 07, 2015 • FeaturesManagementAdvanced Field ServiceAly PinderFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field service

With customer satisfaction now the top metric in defining field service success,  the future of service and service revenue generation is in preparing the service organisation to have the right conversations with customers before, during, and after...

The 2020 Field Engineer’s Toolkit – Part 3

Jul 01, 2015 • FeaturesHardware3D printingFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceNear Field CommunicationsNFChardware

As we continue our series of features looking at the emerging technologies that could appear in the not so distant future we turn our attention to NFC and, perhaps the most futuristic of all,  3D printing.

The 2020 Field Engineer's Toolkit - Part 2

Jun 24, 2015 • FeaturesHardwareFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicedronesSmart Glasses

Welcome back to this exclusive Field Service News series in which Kris Oldland is exploring some of the technologies that could well become common place tools in the field engineer of 2020’s armoury.

The 2020 Field Engineer's toolkit

Jun 14, 2015 • FeaturesHardwareFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicewearablesClickSoftwareIFSsmart watchesTechnology

In this new four-part series Field Service News Editor Kris Oldland takes a look at five key tools forecast to become part of the field service engineer’s toolkit in the not so distant future.

  As a child of the eighties with a penchant for a bit...

Getting smart... Why the future of field service may lie in smart glasses (part three)

May 21, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicepristine ioSmart Glasses

A lot of technology can improve the way we work in field service but none can change the way we operate so fundamentally as the introduction of smart glasses. That is the opinion of Kyle Semani, CEO of Pristine IO and in this series of articles...

Getting smart... Why the future of field service may lie in smart glasses (part two)

May 13, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicepristine ioSmart GlassesUncategorized

In the first part of this series we looked at the why despite Google removing their Glass Xplorer program in field service at least the future of Glass and other competitor products is very much alive and well. Now in the second part of the series...

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