ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘dr-michael-provost’ CATEGORY

New book outlines a step-by-step path to servitization

Jul 30, 2017 • FeaturesManagementAndy NeelyWolfgang UlagabooksChristian KowalkowskiDr. Michael ProvostHoward LightfootServitizationServitization Conferencetim baines

With the topic of Servitization gaining more and more traction both in manufacturing circles and beyond a new industry book that provides a roadmap to making the shift towards advanced, outcome based services could well be of vital use for service...

A Short Story about Servitization: Part 2

Aug 10, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceDr. Michael ProvostServitization

As someone who has been involved in the growing trend towards Servitization and Advanced Services since their inception, Dr Michael Provost is perfectly placed to help make sense of what can be a complex topic in his new book “Everything Works...

A short story about Servitization: Part One

Jul 29, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceM2MmanagementDr. Michael ProvostServitization

Whilst the trend towards Servitization is rapidly becoming increasingly important for manufacturers and one that will have a significant impact on how field services operate, it is often viewed as a complex subject.


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