ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘future-of-field-service-2’ CATEGORY

Top Ten Technology Trends for the Field Service Industry in 2015 - Part Two: IoT, Big Data & Cyber Security

Jan 15, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicebig dataCyber SecurityIoT

Technology and field service are now almost inherently intertwined such is the rapid evolution of field service industry. As we enter the New Year Field Service News continues to take a look at some of the key technologies that we believe will have...

Defining End to End field service: Part One - Taking the request for a service call

Jan 12, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceEnd to end field servicesolarvista

End to end field service was one of the biggest buzz phrases heard across the past year. At trade shows, in the industry press and not least from a considerable number of field service technology providers themselves we kept hearing that...

Top Ten Tech Trends for the Field Service Industry in 2015 - Part One Cloud, Wearable & NFC

Jan 08, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceNFCwearablescloud

The field service industries are often leading the way in terms of technology being used within enterprise.

Service Management in the Cloud - The $120bn Question

Dec 30, 2014 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicecloudSaaSService Management

The Cloud. Can you really avoid it? The cloud market is expected to grow to $121 billion dollars in 2015, a 26% compound annual growth rate from 2010’s $37 billion[1].

mplsystems highlights 2015's five key Customer Engagement Centre technology trends

Dec 16, 2014 • Featurescontact centresFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicemplsystems

mplsystems, the UK multi-channel contact technology specialist, believes that 2015 will be the year that truly configurable, mash-up powered Customer Engagement Centres start to set the customer contact technology agenda.

IoT: Indispensable over time

Dec 07, 2014 • Featuresfuture of field serviceclick softwareGil BouhnickInternet of ThingsIoT

The Internet of Things is rapidly gaining momentum and is moving from hyperbole to reality. Gil Bouhnick, VP of Mobility at ClickSoftware looks at why IoT will become indispensable in the world of field service... perhaps sooner than we may think...

The power of mobility: Creating a smarter workforce in the field

Dec 05, 2014 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceMobilityIoTTrimble

Today, the ultimate goal of field service excellence is to respond quickly to customer needs, whatever they may be and it takes four criteria to meet this goal: Be on time, allow enough time to do the job, have the right skills and bring the right...

Big Data, Big Chance: What the US Open and Field Service can both learn from understanding data

Oct 26, 2014 • FeaturesCoresystemsFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceBigData

As companies capture more data through mobile devices, remote sensors and telematics, the opportunity to increase the efficiency of field service operations has never been better argues coresystems CEO Phillip Emmenegger... 

Is the field service industry at risk from ageing populations?

Oct 23, 2014 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceRecruitmentsiemens

Looking to the future is not just about which technology you should be applying to your mobile workforce to ensure that you are beating productivity level KPIs, it is also about looking at how you can ensure sustained growth within the business.

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