ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘software-and-apps’ CATEGORY

Case Study: Tesseract makes acquisitions easier for SCS Technologies

Dec 19, 2017 • FeaturesMark KenyonCarol Newallcase studySCS TechnologiesSoftware and AppsAsolvi

Outmoded, inflexible and server-based service management software can make it difficult for companies to grow. However, thanks to the fully automated, integrated and optimised cloud-based workflows facilitated by Tesseract, SCS Technologies Ltd has...

Resource Overview: Your Guide to Flawless Field Service - Perfecting Productivity

Nov 29, 2017 • FeaturesCognitoCognito iQProductivityresourcesWhite PaperWhite Papers & eBooksEmployee EngagementSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Resource Type: Written Guide Published by:  Cognito iQ Title: Your Guide to Flawless Field Service - Perfecting Productivity

ServicePower combines Artificial Intelligence, new Customer-Centric functionality and improved Mobility in new launch

Nov 29, 2017 • NewsArtificial INtelleingenceservicepowerSoftware and Appssoftware and appsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

ServicePower Inc. a market leader in field service management solutions, has recently released a new Customer Experience service solution that combines its patented Artificial Intelligence engine with its new Gantt, maps, dashboards, improved...

Enabling a Faster, Smarter Customer Experience...

Nov 27, 2017 • FeaturesArtificial intelligenceCranfield UniversityMArne MArtinDigitialisationservicepowerSoftware and Apps

Marne Martin, CEO of ServicePower explains why the connected customer is far more than just a marketing buzz phrase and focuses on the benefits of a truly unified platform...

Case Study: Planned Lighting Maintenance banks on a brighter future with Tesseract

Nov 14, 2017 • FeaturesArtic Building ServicesKevin McNallyPlanned Lighting MaintenanceCase StudiesSoftware and AppsTracey HughesAsolvi

When Planned Lighting Maintenance (PLM) decided that its field service management system needed to be as smart as its lighting solutions, Tesseract came to light the way. Now Tesseract’s Service Centre 5.1 is brightening PLM’s days with super-fast...

Case Study: Eagle Field Service significantly increases engineer utilisation

Nov 07, 2017 • FeaturesNick StokesCase Studiescase studyEagle Field ServiceExcel Computer SystemsSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

We take a look at how UK window and doors specialist SafeStyle UK improved their field service efficiency by turning to FSM provider Exel Computer Systems 

Fundamental Elements to expect in a FSM solution – Part Two: Mobile, Parts Management and Integration

Nov 02, 2017 • FeaturesIntegrationInventory ManagementKevinMcNallyKPISoftware and AppsAsolviParts Pricing and Logistics

In the first part of this feature, Tesseract’s Kevin McNally explored the importance of contract management and workforce scheduling within a field service management system. Now in the concluding part of this feature he looks at three other key...

All about Field Nation...

Oct 25, 2017 • Online DirectoryField Service Software ProvidersField Service Software Providers directory listingSoftware and Apps

Contact information: 

Phone: +1-877 573 4353 Web: Email:

Fundamental Elements to expect in a FSM solution - Part one: Contract Management and Scheduling

Oct 25, 2017 • Featuresassisted schedulingContract ManagementKevin McNallyoptimised schedulingdynamic schedulingschedulingSoftware and Appssoftware and appsAsolvi

Tesseract’s Sales Director Kevin McNally, with over 15 year’s experience in the industry, explores the key elements with Kris Oldland Editor of Field Service News...

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