ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘servitization-2’ CATEGORY

Understanding the Next Generation of Field Service Technician

May 16, 2019 • videoFeaturesAsteaKris OldlandmanufacturingVideofield serviceInternet of ThingsIoTServitizationJohn Hunt

Rethinking Key Performance Indicators - what should we be measuring in modern field service

May 09, 2019 • videoFeaturesAsteaKris OldlandmanufacturingVideofield serviceInternet of ThingsIoTServitizationJohn Hunt

Digital Servitization: The Next Competitive Frontier

May 09, 2019 • FeaturesManagementServitization

The barriers between industry verticals are coming crashing down as we no longer compete with those companies within our competitive sphere, but against the best service our customers have experienced. Dr. Wolfgang Ulaga and Dr. Christian...

How To Organise For Servitization

May 06, 2019 • FeaturesJan Van Veenmanagementmore momentumServitization

Discussion around Servitization has rapidly gone from understanding what the concept is to establishing how to put steps towards the advanced services strategy into practice. Here, Jan Van Veen, outlines some core practical advice for companies...

Shifts in Thinking or Advances in Technology - What is Driving the Field Service Sector Forwards?

May 02, 2019 • videoFeaturesAsteaKris OldlandmanufacturingVideofield serviceInternet of ThingsIoTServitizationJohn Hunt

The Future of (Field) Service is 3D Printed

May 01, 2019 • Features3D printingfuture of field serviceServitization

Claims that 3D printing will disrupt and revolutionise the manufacturing industry of the future, have been made since the early 1990s. For field service, that future is now writes Dr Ahmad Beltagui.

What is Digital Servitization?

Apr 15, 2019 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceBigDataChristian KowalkowskiDigitalizationServitizationThe View from Academia

Dr Christian Kowalkowski, Professor Of Industrial Marketing at Linköping University outlines how two of the biggest trends amongst manufacturers, digitalisation and servitization, are in essence two sides of the same coin and why digitalisation...

Are you Doing Data Capture Correctly?

Mar 27, 2019 • FeaturesAdvanced Services GroupAston Centre for Servitization Research and PractiData CaptureFuture of FIeld ServicemanufacturingMonetizing ServiceProfessor Tim BainesServitizationtim baines

Data Capture has evolved massively in a relatively short period of time, but if done correctly it can transform a business. A new whitepaper by the Advanced Services Group brings clarity to the hype around digital technologies and services and...

PODCAST - Professor Christian Kowalowski

Mar 14, 2019 • FeaturesFuture of field servciceFuture of FIeld Serviceworkforce managementServitizationThe Field Service PodcastMark GloverCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In the latest Field Service Podcast, Christian Kowalkowski, Professor of Industrial Marketing at Linköping University, discusses the challenges round transitioning to a servitization business model.

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