Are you Doing Data Capture Correctly?

Mar 27, 2019 • FeaturesAdvanced Services GroupAston Centre for Servitization Research and PractiData CaptureFuture of FIeld ServicemanufacturingMonetizing ServiceProfessor Tim BainesServitizationtim baines

Data Capture has evolved massively in a relatively short period of time, but if done correctly it can transform a business. A new whitepaper by the Advanced Services Group brings clarity to the hype around digital technologies and services and...

Case Study: XDP customers seeing the benefits of improved data capture technology

Dec 04, 2013 • FeaturesHardwareData CaptureXDPCase Studiesdelivery companiesimage capturesignature capturespirit


The use of powerful mobile data capture devices and software can make a huge difference to delivery companies and their customers, particularly if the devices offer facilities such as image and signature capture. These can be used to...

PGA Drives High Stakes Data Capture with Intermec CN50 & Scan Read Technologies (1/2)

Nov 08, 2013 • videoHardwareNewsData CaptureIntermecPGAfield serviceScan Read

In the first of this two-part series, learn how the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) deployed the Intermec CN50 and Intermec CK71 rugged mobile computers with the help of Scan Read Technologies to boost data capture capabilities at high...


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