What is Digital Servitization?

Apr 15, 2019 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceBigDataChristian KowalkowskiDigitalizationServitizationThe View from Academia

Dr Christian Kowalkowski, Professor Of Industrial Marketing at Linköping University outlines how two of the biggest trends amongst manufacturers, digitalisation and servitization, are in essence two sides of the same coin and why digitalisation...

The Critical Role of Analytics in 2019

Apr 02, 2019 • FeaturesanalyticsData AnalyticsFuture of FIeld ServiceBigDatabusiness intelligenceFieldAware

Marc Tatarsky, SVP Marketing of FieldAware outlines the increasing importance of business intelligence in field service management. Without doubt the use of analytics is having an increasing impact in field service. In 2018 we saw more interest than...

Future Technologies and the Impact on Mobile Workforces and Devices

Feb 07, 2019 • NewsFuture of FIeld ServicePanasonicBigDataIoT

Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensors will be the technology trends most impacting mobile workforces over the next 12 months, say mobile technology buyers in research published by Panasonic.

Field Service Leaders Interviews: Scott Berg, ServiceMax (part two)

Mar 03, 2015 • FeaturesCustomisationBigDataInterviewSalesforceservicemaxSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

In part one of this exclusive interview with ServiceMax COO Scott Berg we looked at the the similarities between widely differing industries, the rapid rise of ServiceMax and why the IoT hasn't quite got fully up to speed as yet.

Big Data, Big Chance: What the US Open and Field Service can both learn from understanding data

Oct 26, 2014 • FeaturesCoresystemsFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceBigData

As companies capture more data through mobile devices, remote sensors and telematics, the opportunity to increase the efficiency of field service operations has never been better argues coresystems CEO Phillip Emmenegger... 


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