Avoiding Mobile Resource Management Pitfalls and Driving Employee Engagement with Gamification

Sep 04, 2018 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologyGamificationVerizon ConnectDriver Behaviourfield servicefield service managementfield service technologyService ManagementSOftware ImplementationtelematicsFor DummiesMobile Resource ManagementManaging the Mobile Workforce

Our series of excerpts from the exceptional industry guide 'Mobile Resource Management for Dummies', which has been commissioned by Verizon Connect has so far explored Understanding Digital Transformation in a Connected, Mobile World also Thinking...


Dec 01, 2015 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyGamificationInstitute of Advanced MotoristsDriver Behaviourfield servicetelematicstrimble fsm

Gamification is helping fleet and field service organisations to engage and incentivise their drivers to become more safe and efficient on the roads, says John Cameron, general manager of Trimble Field Service Management.

eBook Overview: Gaming the System to improve driver behaviour

Oct 28, 2015 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyGamificationresourceswhite papersWhite Papers & eBooksDriver Behaviourtelogis

Resource Type: eBook Published by:  Telogis Title Gaming the System to improve driver behaviour Download: Click here to Download the full ebook here

5 Field Service Trends Which Won’t Fade in 2015

Feb 16, 2015 • FeaturesaberdeenAly PinderFuture of FIeld ServiceGamificationwearablesBYODIoT

We've already run a number of  features that have looked at the trends that might be emerging or appearing on the horizon service this year. However what about the trends that have already emerged that will move beyond concepts and firmly take root?...

INFOGRPAHIC: Gamification in business

Sep 30, 2014 • GamificationinfographicsresourcesClickSoftwareinfographicSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

ClickSoftware have created this great infographic looking at the uses of Gamification within businesses and how it has evolved throughout the years.

Field Service Gamification: Work hard together, play harder together

May 06, 2014 • FeaturesManagementGamificationmanagementclick softwareGil Bouhnick

Click Software's Gil Bouhnick, Vice President of Mobility looks at how how companies can use gamification in their organisations to improve efficiency....


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