simPRO Puts UK On Direct Line To The Future Of Telecommunications

Dec 04, 2018 • Newsfield service managementfield service softwarefield service technologySoftwareSoftware and Appsbusiness softwareEnterprise ComputingSimPROTelecommunicationsVOIPManaging the Mobile Workforce

Trade service businesses across the UK can now forego their landlines and save significant amounts of time, money and logistics with communication, thanks to the latest solution by job management company simPRO.

simPRO’s newest feature, VoIP phone, allows users to use an inbuilt web phone instead of traditional phone handsets or third-party phone software.

simPRO Chief Technology Officer Jonathan Eastgate said the VoIP phone integration would provide a number of benefits to businesses that were looking to take advantage of the trade service industry’s inevitable digital future.

“VoIP provides a flexible, multi-functional solution that couldn’t be simpler to use. Without the need of a traditional telephone handset taking up space on the desk, users can make a call with a push of the mouse or keyboard and connect with people without any disruption to their workflow.

“Incoming calls, re-directs and on-hold calls can all be coordinated on the screen, meaning you can continue to use your simPRO software on your computer while simultaneously speaking freely to colleagues, customers and contacts about important deals, affairs, meetings, files, documents and agendas.”

Mr Eastgate said that while streamlining business communication was a major benefit delivered by VoIP, the costs involved were also a significant variable that would overtly improve a business’ operation.


"Incoming calls, re-directs and on-hold calls can all be coordinated on the screen, meaning you can continue to use your simPRO software on your computer while simultaneously speaking freely to colleagues, customers and contacts..."


“VoIP can be much cheaper to incorporate than a traditional telephone line, which typically requires a business to be set up with a costly telecommunications deal.

“It means that businesses that use VoIP need no longer worry about the reliability of their phone connection, the changing rates of their telco deal, and the cumbersome need for dedicated hardware,” he said.

simPRO’s VoIP capability is a product first for the company and is expected to take the lead in the UK market, as many VoIP solutions currently available are limited by specific communication hardware requirements and ties to the UK’s local telecom suppliers.

simPRO's VoIP service is provided to all clients at no charge - they simply continue with their existing VoIP service provider at existing rates whilst getting the benefits simPRO has brought through the integration.

“When using simPRO, the VoIP will draw information to produce caller IDs and maintain call logs which can be viewed in a browser window – all you need is the internet and a headset,” Mr Eastgate said.

“simPRO’s VoIP product is the very embodiment of job management and a great example of streamlining your processes to increase your profits and productivity.”


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