Research Analyst Firm, Strategies For Growth℠, Invites All Warranty Management Professionals to Take Its Fifth Annual WCM Tracking Survey!

Dec 03, 2018 • ManagementNewsresearchBill Pollockfield servicefield service managementStrategies for GrowthWarranty Management

Research analyst and consulting firm, Strategies For GrowthSM (SFG℠) has launched its fifth annual Warranty Chain Management (WCM) Benchmark Survey Update, and invites all Warranty Management professionals to participate. The 2019 WCM Survey will remain “live” on the Web through the end of the year.

According to SFG℠ president and principal consulting analyst, Bill Pollock, “The results of the 2018 survey revealed that nearly three-quarters (71%) of respondents believe effective warranty chain management to be at least 'very important' to the overall financial performance of the business, with just under a quarter (22%) believing it to be 'extremely important.'

[quote float="left"]All respondents that provide their e-mail address will receive a link for downloading a complimentary copy of the Executive Summary Analysts Take white paper immediately following the conference.[/quote] The results further revealed that this sense of importance continues to increase substantially, year-over-year, as one-quarter (25%) believed effective warranty chain management to be 'more important than one year ago,' compared to only 3% believing it to be 'less important' – a ratio of roughly 8:1 citing 'more important' over 'less important’. As such, we know the segment is based on a sound foundation that is getting stronger moving forward."

The final results of the current survey will be presented by Pollock at the 2019 Warranty Chain Management Conference, March 12 - 14, 2019, in Orlando, Florida. In addition, all respondents that provide their e-mail address will receive a link for downloading a complimentary copy of the Executive Summary Analysts Take white paper immediately following the conference.

The survey consists of a targeted, multiple choice questionnaire that should take less than 15 minutes to complete. All responses will remain strictly confidential, and will only be tabulated and reported in the aggregate.

Simply click on the following link to begin the survey, or, if you prefer, you may forward it to someone else in your organization to complete:

BTW - Be sure to watch in Q1, 2019 for Bill Pollock’s article in Field Service News that will provide the key executive-level results of the current survey.

SFG℠ thanks you in advance for your participation!