BlackBerry buys MDM vendor Good Technology

Sep 14, 2015 • NewsMDMMobile Device ManagementMobile securityBlackberryenterprise mobility managementGood TechnologyTechnology

In a development that strengthens its leading position as a provider of  secure mobile enterprise solutions,  BlackBerry has announced that it is buying mobile device management vendor Good Technology for $425 million in cash.

Google Glass 2: designed for enterprise

Aug 05, 2015 • NewswearablesEnterprise MobilityGoogleGoogle GlassGoogle Glass 2Technology

In the latest version of its Glass wearable technology, Google is aiming squarely at the enterprise market, say reports from the US.

UK bids to lead driverless cars R&D

Jul 27, 2015 • Newsautomotive technologyresearchdriverless carsTechnologyUK Government projects

The UK Government has launched a £20 million competitive fund for collaborative research and development into driverless vehicles, along with a code of practice for testing the technologies. 

Driverless cars, pizza and field service: Part One

Jul 05, 2015 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologydriverless carsTechnology

Driverless cars have been on the horizon for a number of years now, however it seems the shift from exciting prototype to functional reality is coming ever closer and at ever-greater speed. Kris Oldland reviews developments in  a two-part feature.

Assets as a service: monetising IoTs

Jul 01, 2015 • FeaturesConnected productsOptimisationCircular economyIoTservice thinkingTechnology

Good-bye products, hello services? The IoT and connected products means companies will  need to monetise IoTs, says consultant Nick Frank.

The 2020 Field Engineer's toolkit

Jun 14, 2015 • FeaturesHardwareFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicewearablesClickSoftwareIFSsmart watchesTechnology

In this new four-part series Field Service News Editor Kris Oldland takes a look at five key tools forecast to become part of the field service engineer’s toolkit in the not so distant future.

  As a child of the eighties with a penchant for a bit...

Preparing for the IoT Revolution

Jun 05, 2014 • FeaturesCoresystemsFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicePhilipp EmmeneggerInternet of ThingsTechnology

If the Internet of Things (IoT) lives up to its billing it has the potential to change the way the field service industry operates entirely. In this exclusive articele for Field Service News, Philipp Emmenegger, CEO of coresystems AG looks at what...

The internet of things and field service...

May 12, 2014 • FeaturesCore SystemsFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceInternet of ThingstechnologyTechnology

The Internet of Things has certainly gained momentum recently but what does it mean to the Field Service Industry? Kris Oldland, Editor of Field Service News looks at how it could impact the industry and at a first generation of IoT field service...

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