ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘connected-products’ CATEGORY

Connected Products Will Drive Transformation in Field Service

Sep 18, 2018 • FeaturesAly PinderArtificial intelligenceConnected productsFuture of FIeld ServiceIDCmanufacturingRemote AssistanceInternet of ThingsProactive Maintenance

Aly Pinder outlines how the growing trend for connected products is set to revolutionise the way we approach service...

Are companies adopting AR for field service?

Aug 20, 2018 • FeaturesManagementARAugmented RealityConnected productsPredictive maintenanceDigital Twinsfield servicefield service managementService DeliveryService ManagementSi2 partnersTitos AnastassacosManaging the Mobile Workforce

Titos Anastassacos from Si2Partners shares with us some interesting insight on Augmented Reality from their recent research-based reports...

Assets as a service: monetising IoTs

Jul 01, 2015 • FeaturesConnected productsOptimisationCircular economyIoTservice thinkingTechnology

Good-bye products, hello services? The IoT and connected products means companies will  need to monetise IoTs, says consultant Nick Frank.


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