BlackBerry buys MDM vendor Good Technology

Sep 14, 2015 • NewsMDMMobile Device ManagementMobile securityBlackberryenterprise mobility managementGood TechnologyTechnology

In a development that strengthens its leading position as a provider of  secure mobile enterprise solutions,  BlackBerry has announced that it is buying mobile device management vendor Good Technology for $425 million in cash.

FeedHenry comments on BlackBerry opening up OS to third party management

May 22, 2014 • NewsAirWatchBlackberryFeedHenrySoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Cloud-based mobile application platform vendor, FeedHenry, has commented on BlackBerry’s decision to open up its BlackBerry 10 operating system to allow its smartphones to be directly managed by third party companies: AirWatch, Citrix, IBM and SAP.


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