ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘managing-the-mobile-workforce’ CATEGORY

Signs of a Perfect Storm Ahead...

Aug 21, 2020 • FeaturesAgeing Workforce CrisisRecruitmentManaging the Mobile Workforce

There is a Tsunami of youth unemployment awaiting us at a time when we face a crisis of an ageing workforce. Surely it is time to join the dots before it is too late writes Mark Homer...

Introducing the Aquant Workforce Performance Index

Aug 19, 2020 • FeaturesWhite PaperAquantManaging the Mobile Workforce

Having published a series of features based on excerpts from their latest white paper, Aquant's Edwin Pahk, has outlined the importance of field service companies measuring KPIs, now more than ever before. He has also identified for us the five...

Key Questions: Can Augmented Reality Combat the Ageing Workforce Crisis?

Aug 17, 2020 • FeaturesAugmented RealityRemote AssistanceOverITManaging the Mobile WorkforceSpace1Field Service News Digital Symposium

In the final excerpt from this exclusive Field Service News Digital Symposium Presentation we look at how SPACE1's clever use of Artificial Intellignece could rapidly spped up the time it takes to get field service technicians out of the classroom...

The KPIs that Matter in 2020 (Part Two)

Aug 12, 2020 • FeaturesWhite PaperAquantManaging the Mobile Workforce

In this last article in this series of excerpts from a recent white paper published by Aquant, Edwin Pahk, VP Product Marketing and Business Development, Aquant outlined the first two fo five critical KPI's field service organisations must monitor....

Skilling up for Digital

Jul 07, 2020 • FeaturesDigital TransformationField Service Engineer TrainingSi2 partnersManaging the Mobile Workforce

Competencies needed to get your workforce digital ready refer not only to technology, but more importantly to people’s skills. In short, Digital Transformation is less about technology and more about people writes Julia Moeller of Si2 Partners...

Supporting Safety Outcomes & DVS Compliance

Jun 17, 2020 • NewsMIcrolisefleet managementtelematicsManaging the Mobile WorkforceEMEA

Microlise are an organisation committed to developing technology solutions that help operators to manage and reduce risk while safeguarding drivers and other road users as they recently announced... 

Mental Health: Understanding the Change Curve we are all Going Through

Jun 16, 2020 • Featureshealth and safetyMartin SummerhayesManaging the Mobile Workforceworldwidemental health

We are all living in completely unknown times. The past couple of months has seen so many changes to the way that we work, rest and play; none of which we would have realised would have such profound effects on us all. For people in services, it has...

Recruitment Portal Negates Covid and Service's Historical Talent Gap

Jun 02, 2020 • FeaturesRecruitmentservicemaxManaging the Mobile Workforcenorth america

A specialist recruitment platform initially conceived to help fill the service talent gap took on a new significance as an urgent post calling for medical technicians meant the project was fast-tracked to market. Mark Glover uncovers the story...

Field Service Mobility to Benefit as Study says 5G can Accelerate IIoT

Jun 01, 2020 • News5Gfrost & sullivanManaging the Mobile Workforceworldwide

Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis finds the integration of 5G in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems will accelerate the realisation of Industry 4.0., a key building block of service mobility progression.

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