Key Questions: Can Augmented Reality Combat the Ageing Workforce Crisis?

Aug 17, 2020 • FeaturesAugmented RealityRemote AssistanceOverITManaging the Mobile WorkforceSpace1Field Service News Digital Symposium

In the final excerpt from this exclusive Field Service News Digital Symposium Presentation we look at how SPACE1's clever use of Artificial Intellignece could rapidly spped up the time it takes to get field service technicians out of the classroom...

Key Questions: Do We Need Extra Hardware for Augmented Reality in Field Service?

Aug 10, 2020 • FeaturesAugmented RealityRemote AssistanceDigital TransformationSmart GlassesOverITSpace1Field Service News Digital Symposiumrealware

One of the things that has often been suggested as a potential barrier to the adoption of augmented reality in field service has been the reliance on additional hardware. Indeed, during a recent presentation on the Field Service News Digital...

Key Questions: Can Augmented Reality Operate on Low Bandwidth?

Aug 03, 2020 • FeaturesAugmented RealityRemote AssistanceDigital TransformationOverITSpace1Field Service News Digital Symposiumlow bandwidth

One of the things that is often questioned about the suitability of augmented reality as part of the field service delivery tool kit is whether it is able to operate on lower bandwidths. This is because by default field service doesn't only occur in...

Key Questions: Differences Between Augmented, Mixed & Merged Reality

Jul 20, 2020 • FeaturesAugmented RealityRemote AssistanceDigital TransformationOverITSpace1Field Service News Digital Symposium

As part of an exclusive Field Service News presentation with the team at Space1 Kris Oldland talks to Francesco Benvenuto of OverIT the creators of Space1 and augmented reality tool designed for field service organisations to find out the difference...


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