Infographic: A holistic approach to Customer Relationship Management

Mar 11, 2015 • FeaturesCRMinfographicSalesforceCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Some really interesting statistics around CRM put together in this infographic created by Salesforce...

INFOGRPAHIC: Gamification in business

Sep 30, 2014 • GamificationinfographicsresourcesClickSoftwareinfographicSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

ClickSoftware have created this great infographic looking at the uses of Gamification within businesses and how it has evolved throughout the years.

INFOGRAPHIC: 5 myths of enterprise app development

Aug 28, 2014 • Mobile enterprise applicationsFeed Henryinfographic

FeedHenry, has analysed customer data and industry RFPs from organisations with more than 1,000 employees and identified five myths surrounding the building of enterprise mobile apps in today's mobile-first world.

INFOGRAPHIC: Field Service Software in 2014

Aug 11, 2014 • Featuresinfographicsmplsystemsresearchresourcesinfographicsoftware and apps

As part of the analysis of our research project looking at the types of field service software being used today we have created this infographic to give you some of the key findings at a glance.

Infographic: End-to-end Field Service Management

Feb 18, 2014 • infographicsmplsystemsinfographicSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Infographic showing the key benefits of a truly end-to-end field service software solution based on exclusive research conducted by mplsystems and existing client case studies.

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