PGA Drives High Stakes Data Capture with Intermec CN50 & Scan Read Technologies (1/2)

Nov 08, 2013 • videoHardwareNewsData CaptureIntermecPGAfield serviceScan Read

In the first of this two-part series, learn how the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) deployed the Intermec CN50 and Intermec CK71 rugged mobile computers with the help of Scan Read Technologies to boost data capture capabilities at high...

PGA use Intermec and Scan Read for in the field data capture (2/2)

Nov 08, 2013 • videoHardwareIntermecPGACase Studiesfield serviceHandheld Computing

In the second of this two-part series, the Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) discusses their volunteer program, data capture using the Intermec CN50 and CK71, the services of Scan Read Technologies, and what it takes to pull off PGA events.


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