AUTHOR ARCHIVES: Michael Blumberg

About the Author:

Michael Blumberg

Michael Blumberg is President of Blumberg Advisory Group, Inc., a research, and consulting firm to the Field Service. Michael’s firm provides clients with strategic guidance and tactical assistance for improving the overall profitability and quality of field service operations. Mr. Blumberg is a prolific author and frequent speaker at industry events and conferences. Michael may be reached at +1-267-334-0135. Via email at Michael’s blog is accessible at Follow him on twitter via @blumberg1.

Field Service Scheduling Software and What You Need to Know

Sep 07, 2018 • FeaturesMichael Blumbergworkforce managementWorkforce SchedulingBlumberg Advisory Groupdynamic schedulingfield servicefield service managementschedulingService ManagementSoftware and Apps

Scheduling software has long been a foundational technology for field service companies allowing them to meet customer demands. Michael Blumberg lifts the lid on all of the key aspects of this crucial tool...

Avoiding the Four Biggest Mistakes FSOs make when using Contingent Labour

Jun 18, 2018 • FeaturesManagementContingent LabourContractorsMichael BlumbergoutsourcingBlumberg Associatesfield serviceField Service Insightsfield service managementSeasonal Labour

Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Advisory Group and founder of discusses some of the most crucial mistakes field service companies can make when utilising contingent or seasonal labour...

Massive Value: The Secret to Selling More Service Contracts

May 28, 2018 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergBlumberg Advisoryfield serviceField Service Insightsfield service managementselling serviceService Management

Michael Blumberg, President, Blumberg Advisory Group and founder of Field Service Insights outlines how service organisations are overlooking the fundamental difference between a customer not seeing value in a service offering and a customer...

Value and Price: Understanding the Forces that Influence Service Revenue

Apr 13, 2018 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergXaaSField Service InsightsIoTselling serviceService RevenueSmart Services

Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Associates and Founder of Field Service Insights offers us an in-depth look at how the key market forces that influence service revenues...

A Field Service Leaders Survival Guide For Dealing with Digital Transformation, Servitization, and Uberization

Feb 20, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAugmented RealitymanufacturingMichael BlumbergBlumberg Advisory Groupdigital disruptiondigitalisationIoTServitization

The digital revolution in the field service sector is continuing to move forward at pace, Michael Blumberg, Principal Consultant, Blumberg Advisory Group helps us keep track...

Why Augmented Reality is the Future of the Field Service Industry...

Feb 13, 2018 • FeaturesAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceMichael BlumbergOil and GasBombardierBosch RexrothBYODSiemens Industrial Turbomachineryutilities

Michael Blumberg, President Blumberg Advisory Group explains why Augmented Reality will be at the core of field service in the not too distant future giving examples of three companies that have already embraced this game-changing tech...

The New (Augmented) Reality Facing Service Providers

Dec 18, 2017 • FeaturesAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceMerged RealityMichael BlumbergVirtual RealityBlumberg Advisory

Michael Blumberg, President Blumberg Advisory Group gives us some insight into his recent conversations at Field Service Fall in Florida last month, where Augmented Reality was once again one of the hot topics of the conference...

Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ): The missing links to selling more service contracts

Aug 24, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergService and Sales

Michael Blumberg, President of the Blumberg Advisory Group discusses recent research his organisation worked on with Giuntini and Company on the processes being used to effectively sell extended warranty programs and argues that if you adopt the...

Five things every field service company should be doing right now...

Jul 19, 2017 • FeaturesManagementAGeing WorkforceConnected Field ServiceMichael BlumbergField Service USAIoTUberisationParts Pricing and LogisticsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Worldwide Business Research (WBR) held its Field Service 2017 conference at the end of April with over 450 service leaders from top manufacturing and service companies in attendance.

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