AUTHOR ARCHIVES: Michael Blumberg

About the Author:

Michael Blumberg

Michael Blumberg is President of Blumberg Advisory Group, Inc., a research, and consulting firm to the Field Service. Michael’s firm provides clients with strategic guidance and tactical assistance for improving the overall profitability and quality of field service operations. Mr. Blumberg is a prolific author and frequent speaker at industry events and conferences. Michael may be reached at +1-267-334-0135. Via email at Michael’s blog is accessible at Follow him on twitter via @blumberg1.

Seven Reasons why Field Service Leaders Should Celebrate 2019

Dec 11, 2019 • FeaturesmanagementMichael Blumberg

Chief Marketing Officer at Mize and regular Field Service News columnist Michael Blumberg says 2019 has been a good one for the Field Service Sector...

Five Valuable Lessons about Extended Warranties and Service Contracts

Nov 25, 2019 • FeaturesManagementfuture of field serviceWarranty Management

Michael Blumberg reflects back on some of the key themes from the 10th Annual Extended Warranty and Service Contract Innovations Conference, held in Nashville, USA...

Systems of Support for your Servitization Journey

Nov 04, 2019 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergOutcome based servicesServitization

Much has been made of the potential benefits of adopting at least some servitized strategies within a service portfolio. However, the processes that need to be put in place are complex and a delicate balance between increasing profitability and...

Driving Service Revenue Growth and Profitability Through SLM Solutions

Sep 25, 2019 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergrevenueService RevenueSLM

Michael Blumberg outlines why good Service Lifecycle Management infrastructure is the key to generating exceptional aftermarket revenue...

Deliver Better CX Through Best In Class Field Service Management Apps

May 27, 2019 • FeaturesManagementSoftware & AppsMichael BlumbergField Service InsightsMize

It seems that customer experience is the number one metric that Field Service Organisations are seeking to improve in today’s business environment, but it is an uphill task if your field service technicians don’t have access to the key details of...

Creating An Uber-Like Service Experience Through Dynamic Scheduling Software

Mar 12, 2019 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergWorkforce Schedulingscheduling softwareStrategyUberUber for Field Service

We live in a world of instant results. Seamless, efficient and accessible service has become the new norm and unless yourorganisation adopts dynamic scheduling you may just fall behind the increasing expectations of the modern consumer argues Field...

Science or Art?: Making The Case for Using Econometric Market Models in Service Market Planning

Jan 21, 2019 • FeaturesmanagementMichael Blumberg

Life is full of fine lines. Genius and madness are two sides of the same coin it is often said and the balance between science and art is one full of intricate nuance. Similarly the relationship between increasing service revenue and healthy profit...

Best Practices in Field Service Scheduling and Dispatch: Highlights from 2018 Benchmark Study

Dec 05, 2018 • FeaturesmanagementMichael BlumbergresearchWorkforce SchedulingBlumberg AssociatesEnterprise Mobilityfield servicefield service technologySoftware and AppsManaging the Mobile Workforce

Michael Blumberg reveals some of the key findings of the latest research into field service Scheduling and Dispatch to come out of Blumberg Associates...

Exclusive FSN Subscriber Discount Offer! Introducing Field Service Insights...

Oct 16, 2018 • ManagementNewsMichael Blumbergfield serviceField Service Insightsfield service managementService Management

Field Service Insights is a subscription-based, membership website headed up by long-time associate columnist Michael Blumberg. has arranged an exclusive free trial period to this exciting new members...

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