AUTHOR ARCHIVES: Michael Blumberg

About the Author:

Michael Blumberg

Michael Blumberg is President of Blumberg Advisory Group, Inc., a research, and consulting firm to the Field Service. Michael’s firm provides clients with strategic guidance and tactical assistance for improving the overall profitability and quality of field service operations. Mr. Blumberg is a prolific author and frequent speaker at industry events and conferences. Michael may be reached at +1-267-334-0135. Via email at Michael’s blog is accessible at Follow him on twitter via @blumberg1.

Augmented reality delivers a new standard of service to industrial machinery manufacturers

May 11, 2017 • FeaturesAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceMichael BlumbergFieldBit

Michael Blumberg, President of the Blumberg Advisory Group looks at how Augmented Reality can quickly become a standard part of the very fabric of field service delivery...

An inside look at best practices in marketing and selling extended warranties

Mar 08, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergresearchBlumberg Advisoryfield serviceselling service

Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Advisory Group gives us an insiders view of how to ensure our customers understand the true value of extended warranties and service contracts...

The On-Demand economy Leads to a new generation of field service

Feb 12, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMichael Blumbergon-Demand EconomyBlumberg Advisory Groupfield serviceSi2 partners

Michael Blumebrg, President, Blumberg Advisory Group explains why the on-demand economy has become a very attractive value proposition for both FSOs and their customers...

How can your company sell more extended warranty and extended service programs this year?

Jan 12, 2017 • ManagementNewsMichael BlumbergresearchWarranty Sales

High-Tech manufacturers and their channel partners have begun to recognise the strategic value of providing extended warranty and extended service programs in the aftermarket. Indeed, these programs can represent a significant source of profitable...

Field Service Staffing Best Practices: The Variable Workforce and FMS

Dec 22, 2016 • FeaturesManagementmanagementMichael BlumbergStaffingvariable workforce

Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Advisory Group discusses the emerging hiring trends of the variable workforce and freelance management systems and looks at how these can be applied to help field service organisations balance staffing levels...

The variable workforce - here to stay

Nov 17, 2015 • FeaturesManagementmanagementMichael Blumbergworkforce managementFIeld nationService Management

Effectively managing the peaks and valleys in field service demand is one of the greatest challenges facing managers and executives across a broad array of market segments says Michael Blumberg, President & CEO of Blumberg Advisory Group, Inc. Here,...

The case for integrated, best of-breed enterprise service management

Aug 03, 2015 • FeaturesManagementCOnsultantsbest-of-breed field serviceBlumberg Advisory GroupEnterprise Service Managementfield serviceParts Pricing and Logistics

Service organisations who have integrated field service and reverse/service logistics processes report a higher level of service performance than those who have not, reports Michael R. Blumberg, President and CEO, Blumberg Advisory Group, which has...

New developments in tablet computer repair

Nov 06, 2014 • FeaturesHardwareMichael Blumberghardwaretablets

President and CEO of the Blumberg Group, Michael Blumberg, takes a detailed look at the tablet repair market... 

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