CSG unveils Uber-like profile for field service technicians

Jun 27, 2018 • NewscrowdserviceCSGfield servicefield service techniciansservice techniciansSoftware and AppsUber for Field ServiceUberisationUberizationManaging the Mobile Workforce

CSG the trusted partner to simplify the complexity of business transformation in the digital age now offers even more ways for Pay-TV and other service providers to proactively communicate in real-time with consumers about their service appointments.

Five things every field service company should be doing right now...

Jul 19, 2017 • FeaturesManagementAGeing WorkforceConnected Field ServiceMichael BlumbergField Service USAIoTUberisationParts Pricing and LogisticsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Worldwide Business Research (WBR) held its Field Service 2017 conference at the end of April with over 450 service leaders from top manufacturing and service companies in attendance.


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