Latest FSN webinar announced: Five fundamental field service management technologies that every field service organisation needs

May 23, 2017 • NewsContract ManagementIntegrationMobile toolsWebinarsschedulingAsolviParts Pricing and Logistics

In this Field Service News webinar brought to you in partnership with Tesseract, we will be exploring five fundamental field service management technologies that every field service organisation should have in place – discussing why each is vital to making sure your service delivery hits your core KPIs as well as taking a look at how to use the technologies in a live environment.

This webinar will provide a strong hands-on overview of the types of technology that your team should be using with demonstrations and user tips from Tesseract’s Kevin McNally to help you get the most value from field service management technology.

The technology we will be showcasing will be Tesseract’s own Service Centre 5.1 the latest offering from a company with over a thirty year heritage in delivering field service management software, so there will be a great opportunity to see the latest generation of FSM solution in action – although there will be plenty of best-practice advice that will be suitable for users of any FSM solution.

The five key areas we will be focussing on are as follows:

  • Contract Management
  • Scheduling
  • Mobile tools and communications
  • Parts & Inventory Management
  • Integration=

Who is this suited for: Whilst this session should be of interest to any field service management professionals, the session is particularly aimed at organisations who are either currently still using manual processes or legacy FSM systems/, FSM systems with limited functionality and looking to see the tools and applications that should be expected as standard in a modern FSM solution. 

The technology being showcased in particular is ideally suited to those companies with over 10 field service engineers and the information presented will be aimed towards an audience of field service managers/directors, operations directors or owners/MDs of Service Companies. 



The webinar will be held at 13:00 BST and you can register your place for the session by clicking here



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