Fit for purpose: Editorial Leader - Field Service News issue 11

Apr 19, 2016 • FeaturesHardwareMagazine (digital editions)resourcesDigital IssueruggedSLAsoftware and apps

Field Service News Editor-in-Chief Kris Oldland looks asks whether too many field service companies are taking the easier short term options that will ultimately lead to greater costs in the longer term...

#fsn20 The twenty most influential people in field service (2016 edition)

Feb 16, 2016 • FeaturesManagementFSN20resources

Field service is going through a period of incredible change currently with service taking centre stage in industry, driven on by innovations in technology and strategy. However, at it’s heart field service remains and always will remain...

White Paper Overview: BYOD and Field Service

Jan 27, 2016 • Featuresresourceswhite papersWhite Papers & eBooksBYODsolarvista

Resource Type: White Paper Published by:  Field Service News (sponsored by Solarvista) Title BYOD and Field Service Download: Click here to Download the white paper

The Field Service Podcast: Research review - Field Service, Mobility & the Cloud

Jan 19, 2016 • FeaturesPodcastresearchResearchresourcesClickSoftwarecloud


Jan 18, 2016 • NewsmplsystemsMSTLNNick Frankresourcesfield service insight UK

Field Service Insight UK is a brand new industry event that will be held on the 9th March 2016 at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London, hosted by mplsystems.


Dec 24, 2015 • FeaturesCoresystemsfuture of field serviceresourcesWBRfield servicefield service europeservicepower

Field Service Europe returned to Amsterdam this autumn. Field Service News was keen to find out what delegates liked about the event and what their key take-aways were. Active technology, IoT progress, mobile device management, task-based scheduling...

White Paper Overview: A guide to delivering Field Service Excellence

Dec 21, 2015 • FeaturesAdvanced Field Serviceresourceswhite papersWhite Papers & eBooks

Resource Type: White Paper Published by:  Advanced Field Service Title A guide to delivering service excellence Download: Click here to Download the white paper here

Webinar: Optimised Scheduling Q&A

Dec 18, 2015 • videoSoftware & AppsFuture of FIeld ServiceresourcesWebinarsfield service managementIFSscheduling

In the above video you'll find the Q&A session from our most recent webinar run in partnership with service management software specialists IFS where Field Service News Editor-in-Chief, Kris Oldland spoke with scheduling expert Daryl Dudey of IFS.

Field Service & IoT: Research report (part four)

Nov 24, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServicePTCresearchResearchresourcesIoTservicemax

In this final part of our series exploring the findings of our research into field service and the potential impact of IoT we look at the key reasons driving adoption of IoT forwards….

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