ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘motion-computing’ CATEGORY

Damages must be paid for: why it pays to opt for ruggedised tablets

May 27, 2014 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computinghardwareian daviesrugged

Motion Computing's Ian Davies looks at the true value of rugged computing and why going for the cheaper option is a false economy...

Motion Computing reveal Camtech Systems as first UK platinum partner

Mar 17, 2014 • HardwareNewsmotion computingResellersCamtech Systemshardware

A recent announcement from Motion Computing, one the leading providers of rugged technology solutions has revealed that Camtech Systems, a reseller and systems integrator have become the first company in the United Kingdom to be awarded Platinum...

Go mobile the right way to fully realise the power of GIS

Mar 14, 2014 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computingGIShardwarerugged tablets

Ian Davies, UK Country Manager for Motion Computing looks at the importance of GIS to the utilities field and what we need to consider if we are going to get it right...

Case Study: Adlib Audio and the Motion J3500 Tablet PC

Feb 09, 2014 • HardwareAdlib Audiomotion computingCase Studiescase studyhardware


Established in 1984, Adlib Audio is one of the most well-known and well respected names in the live performance industry. Across rental and installation divisions, the portfolio of Adlib clients includes Radiohead , David Guetta, Skrillex...

Motion launch "In-Vehicle Computing" with driver safety 
in mind

Feb 05, 2014 • videoHardwarein-vehicle computingmotion computinghardware

Driver safety has rightly become one of the key considerations for field service managers and fleet managers alike in recent years. It has also become a major inclusion in both software and hardware manufacturers list of product benefits and should...

Are these the final days of rugged laptops? (Part One)

Feb 03, 2014 • FeaturesHardwarehandheldmotion computinggartnerhardwareRugged laptopsrugged tabletsUncategorized

In the first part of the this two part series we explore why tablets are becoming the mobile computing option of choice as sales of rugged laptops decline in the consumer markets and if this trend is mirrored in field service industries as well... 

Case study: Cambridge Cognition delivers neuropsychology testing in the field

Jan 21, 2014 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computingneurosychologycamcogcamtechCase Studiescase studyhardware


Founded in 2002, Cambridge Cognition develops and commercialises computerised neuropsychological tests. The company's proprietary technology platform, known as CANTAB®, the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, is based...

Utilities Company save over 7,000 Pieces of Paper a Year after turning to tablet PCs

Jan 07, 2014 • HardwareNewsmotion computingtablet pcutilities

This is the incredible statistic that US water utilities organisation Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 25(FBCM25) announced after they eliminated a paper-based workflow and moved to work with Motion Computing's  J3500 Tablet PCs

On the move and on the front line - mobile workforce technology in utilities

Dec 16, 2013 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computingian daviestablet pcutilities

Against a pan-European backdrop of regulatory change, increased consumer awareness of price and choice and concerns over energy security, the utility sector is facing many challenges and opportunities over the next decade.  Motion Computing's Ian...

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