What is in a name? Part 2: The hallmarks of field service

Feb 23, 2015 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computinghardwareian davies

Motion Computing's Ian Davies returns to the question of what defines field service...

Damages must be paid for: why it pays to opt for ruggedised tablets

May 27, 2014 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computinghardwareian daviesrugged

Motion Computing's Ian Davies looks at the true value of rugged computing and why going for the cheaper option is a false economy...

On the move and on the front line - mobile workforce technology in utilities

Dec 16, 2013 • FeaturesHardwaremotion computingian daviestablet pcutilities

Against a pan-European backdrop of regulatory change, increased consumer awareness of price and choice and concerns over energy security, the utility sector is facing many challenges and opportunities over the next decade.  Motion Computing's Ian...

Interview: Motion's Ian Davies on the future of mobile computing...

Dec 02, 2013 • FeaturesHardwaremobile computingmotion computingian daviesInterviewrugged tabletsUncategorized

In this exclusive interview with Motion Computing's UK Supremo Ian Davies about his time in the industry, the changes he has seen and what he thinks the future holds for mobile computing...


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