What is the road ahead for Services?

Nov 01, 2019 • FeaturesManagementFuture of FIeld ServiceMartin Summerhayes

Martin Summerhayes takes us back to the future as he looks at field service past, present and future...

Make the most of your data with data management

Oct 31, 2019 • FeaturesManagementData AnalyticsData ManagementHuge Mizal

Let's make one thing clear: we won't tell you that data is the new oil because you probably heard enough about it. Surely, data is a valuable source for businesses, but manufacturing industries realize that data alone will not magically solve every...

Collaborate to Compete

Oct 31, 2019 • FeaturesManagementAIArtificial intelligenceMachine LearningTitos Anastassacos

Ours is an industry that has always had collaboration at its heart, but today we need to be thinkjing more and more about how humans can be collaborating with Artificial Intelligence and one another. Titos Anastassacos, Managing Partner at Si2...

Reduce Risks of Service Innovation by Experiments

Oct 30, 2019 • FeaturesManagementJan Van VeenService DesignServitizationService Innovation and Design

With experiments you can test all critical assumptions and success factors of your service innovations, get better data and take better decisions before scaling up investment and implementation. As a result, you will only pursue the viable and...

Research Report: KPIs in Field Service Benchmarking Survey (part two)

Oct 30, 2019 • FeaturesManagementKris OldlandResearchservice KPIsService Metrics

In the first part of this research report we explored how many KPIs field service companies are tracking and how often we should be reviewing these metrics. Now in the concluding part of this report we explore how...

Research Report: KPIs in Field Service Benchmarking Study (part one)

Oct 23, 2019 • FeaturesManagementKPIsKris OldlandresearchSimPROKey Performance Indicator

We can only manage what we measure as the old adage goes. But in dynamically evolving environment such as we find our selves in today the question as to what exactly it is we should be measuring in order to manage our field service operations may be...

AI Intent Detection Tool Can Help Brands Track Real Time Consumer Habits

Oct 22, 2019 • ManagementNewsArtificial intelligenceFuture of field servciceCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

LivePerson's tool, LiveIntent, measures customer intents, enabling brands to optimise operations and automations for improved customer experiences, firm says.

Customer First: How can Joined up Thinking Transform Attitudes and Processes Across the Business?

Oct 22, 2019 • FeaturesManagementCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In field service operations, what does it mean to put customer service at the heart of our business decision making? Customers who receive the highest standards of service spend on average 140% more and in business-to-business, customer retention...

Shared Field Service Knowledge in an On-Demand World

Oct 21, 2019 • FeaturesManagementAly PinderIDCKnowledge ManagementKnowledge SharingKnowledge TransferMillenialls

IDC’s Aly Pinder explores one of the most crucial conundrums facing field service organisations today - how to ensure knowledge transfer is seamless across the organisation...

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