Is Now the Time to Re-evaluate the Key Performance Indicators of Your Company?

Oct 27, 2021 • FeaturesKPIsMartin SummerhayesDigital TransformationCovid-19Digital SymposiumGLOBAL

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined on the Field Service News Digital Symposium by Martin Summerhayes, Head of Digital Transformation Services at MDB Service Consulting.

Here’s What Your Average KPI Numbers Aren’t Telling You

Oct 15, 2021 • FeaturesKPIsDigital TransformationAquantGLOBAL

Relying solely on average service KPIs may be risky for service organizations, since they do not really capture the overall customer experience. In this new article from Aquant, leading Service Intelligence Platform, we discuss why it pays to...

Managing Managed Print Services to Success: Five KPIs to Track

May 06, 2020 • FeaturesManagementKPIsmanaged print servicesECILeadership and Strategy

How you define success when it comes to your managed print services (MPS) program will vary depending on your strategic plan and your overall objectives. Here, Laryssa Alexander, president field service division, ECI Solutions, runs through the...

Field Service News Research Highlights Challenges with IoT Data

Mar 19, 2020 • NewsKPIsresearchfield service managementInternet of ThingsIoTservice KPIsIndustry 4.0Key Performance Indicator

Field Service News Research identifies trends amongst field service organisations and the Internet of Things when it comes to the KPIs...

The Changing Numbers of Field Service KPIs

Mar 05, 2020 • NewsKPIsresearchfield service managementservice KPIsKey Performance Indicator

Field Service News research reveals a trend for increasing the numbers of service related KPIs... 

Brave New World: Digitalisation and Servitization

Feb 17, 2020 • NewsKPIsResearchfield serviceServitizationKey Performance IndicatorServitization and Advanced Services

In the first part of a new series of features in which we will explore the latest exclusive field service research findings, we explore how KPIs are changing in a world of servitization, IoT and changing demographics... 

Research Report: KPIs in Field Service Benchmarking Study (part one)

Oct 23, 2019 • FeaturesManagementKPIsKris OldlandresearchSimPROKey Performance Indicator

We can only manage what we measure as the old adage goes. But in dynamically evolving environment such as we find our selves in today the question as to what exactly it is we should be measuring in order to manage our field service operations may be...

Do You Hold The Key?

May 14, 2019 • FeaturesKPIsmanagementMartin SummerhayesNick Frank

In recent years, the sector has moved from a service operation that is a cost-centre, to one that can impact customer service. Service outfits, recognising this shift, are now building in Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to keep pace with a change...

How Service Leaders are Adapting to the Changing World of Field Service

Apr 01, 2019 • FeaturesAsteaKPIsmanagementCHange ManagementCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

The field service sector is heading into the final stages of a transition from an operationally focussed, cost-based discipline to a service-centric, revenue generating one and it is a change we must embrace writes John Hunt from Astea.
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