ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘digital-symposium’ CATEGORY

Challenges and Issues in Service Marketing

Sep 01, 2021 • Michael BlumbergBlumberg Advisory GroupService LeadershipServitization and Advanced ServicesDigital Symposiumservice marketing

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined on the Field Service News Digital Symposium by Michael Blumberg, President and CEO of Blumberg Advisory Group.

Assessing the Right Software and Hardware for Remote Service Delivery

Jul 29, 2021 • FeaturesAly PinderDigital TransformationHardwareSoftwareDigital SymposiumRemote Services

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined on the Field Service News Digital Symposium by Aly Pinder Jr, Program Director of Service Innovation and Connected Products at IDC. Aly is a seasoned expert in the field service industry,...

Now is the Time for Strong, Decisive Leadership

Jun 18, 2020 • FeaturesVideoSi2 partnersCovid-19Leadership and StrategyDigital Symposium

In the first of our series of features looking towards building a new normal that was better than what we had before, with the insights collated from the many panel sessions hosted by Kris Oldland throughout the pandemic, we begin with establishing...

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