ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘customer-satisfaction-and-expectations’ CATEGORY

Consumers say Fix It First Time

Oct 07, 2015 • NewsResearchfield servicefield service managementtrimble fsmCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Study links high customer satisfaction with service providers who fix it on the first visit

How will IoT impact customer service?

Sep 30, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicemplsystemsfield serviceInternet of ThingsIoTCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

The Internet of Things is predicted to have a huge impact on customer service. In this article,  Paul White, CEO mplsystems, identifies the top three changes he expects to occur.

Contractors skill sets are key for customer satisfaction, ClickSoftware survey reveals

Sep 25, 2015 • NewsResearchClickSoftwarefield serviceCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Skill sets rather than price are the important factor for businesses when choosing contractors, a survey by ClickSoftware has revealed.

Investment in smart mobile technology pays off for Kings Security

Sep 10, 2015 • NewsaeromarkEEfield serviceService ManagementSoftware and Appssoftware and appsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Investment in new smart mobile technology pays off for Kings Security Systems with improved productivity and service levels and elimination of over half a million paper records.

Industry leaders: John Cooper, Sony Professional Solutions, Europe. Managing complexity: Part 2

Sep 01, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceresourcesfield serviceInterviewServiceMax. Planet ZheroesSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In Part One of this interview in our Industry Leaders series, John Cooper, Head of IT and Workflow Solutions in Sony’s Professional Solutions unit in Europe explained why he and his colleagues needed to revisit their existing service infrastructure...

Industry Leaders: John Cooper, Sony Professional Solutions, Europe. Managing complexity

Aug 25, 2015 • Featuresfuture of field serviceresourcesfield serviceInterviewSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Continuing our series of interviews with industry leaders, Kris Oldland speaks with John Cooper, Head of IT and Workflow Solutions in Sony’s Professional Solutions unit in Europe. 

Changing the game with integrated service management

Aug 24, 2015 • FeaturesManagementSoftware & Appsfuture of field serviceERPfield service managementSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Today’s world of industry is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. Agility is key to surviving and thriving in this modern era and agility in service can be the difference between you and your competitors writes Tom Bowe of IFS.

The benefits of treating your customers … well, like customers!

Aug 21, 2015 • FeaturesManagementfuture of field serviceBill PollockService ManagementCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

New levels of customer service performance are now the norm and it’s about time we all realised this,  writes Bill Pollock, President, Strategies for Growth

Delivering better customer care with Paragon scheduling software

Aug 19, 2015 • Software & AppsNewsParagon Software SystemsCastelanschedulingSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Warranty, claims and customer care provider Castelan Group is using scheduling software from Paragon Software Systems to centralise the planning of its UK home service operation and manage the allocation of its mobile technician team.

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