ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘customer-satisfaction-and-expectations’ CATEGORY

Research shows link between customer service and revenue still overlooked by UK organisations

Jun 26, 2014 • ManagementNewsmanagementrevenueCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Research commissioned by customer service specialists KANA Software suggests many organisations are overlooking the potential for customer service improvements that could drive revenue.

Transforming Field Service Operations: A Global Insight

Jun 09, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementOperational EfficiencyTrimbleCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In recent years, the battle to improve operational efficiency in field service has been hard fought with businesses constantly looking for new ways to do more with fewer resources. As a result, business leaders are being forced to critically examine...

The changing landscape of customer service

Apr 13, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementMark Forresttrimble fsmCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In this article, Mark Forrest, general manager of Trimble FSM discusses the growing link between customer satisfaction and business performance

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