Telematics provider Masternaut joins the 'future fifty'

Jan 07, 2014 • Fleet TechnologyNewsFuture fiftymasternauttelematics

Masternaut one of Europe's largest providers of telematics solutions, has been selected by the UK government to be part of the "Future Fifty" – a government led fast-track  programme which offers support to aid growth in both the public and private sectors, with the aim to improve employment and add significant impact to the much maligned economic growth within the UK.

Run by Tech City UK, an organisation launched by UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne, the Future Fifty is made up of the UK's most exciting, high potential growth businesses. The aim is to promote innovative and successful organisations oversees and to represent the rapidly growing number of high-tech companies based in Europe.

Masternaut, a leader in telematics and enterprise-grade across Europe also offer a cloud-based mobile resource management solution and their patented modular platform aims to deliver strong and demonstrated ROI for their clients through advanced business intelligence solutions. Listed benefits include enabling fuel savings, reduction in vehicle emissions, improved driver behaviour, and higher mobile workforce utilisation. Now with its inclusion in the future fifty the company is entitled it to tailored support and expertise in order to further accelerate its growth.

Martin Hiscox, Masternaut’s Chairman and CEO, says: “The Future Fifty is a fantastic programme and a real testament to the government’s commitment to supporting UK business growth. We are very proud to have been selected for the programme – it’s not only recognition of Masternaut’s achievements to date, but of the whole telematics industry’s potential to shape the UK’s business landscape”.

“2013 has been a busy year for Masternaut – we’ve launched our brand new telematics platform, Masternaut Connect, made a significant acquisition and are seeing rapid ongoing expansion across Europe. The support we will receive from the Future Fifty scheme will be invaluable as we continue to expand, innovate and develop our product portfolio and enter new geographic markets. We will be continuing to invest heavily in R&D, delivering our customers more ways to drive tangible business benefits through the use of telematics solutions.”

The rigorous selection process conducted by a 13-strong advisory panel of industry experts, investors, advisors and entrepreneurs saw judges select companies through a combination of quantitative and qualitative criteria, including financial performance, competitive positioning, product offering and strength of leadership team. Other companies listed alongside Masternaut include: Mimecast, NeoMobile, Horizon Discovery and Acturis.

The Future Fifty will provide concierge-style support to address key business needs along with a continuous programme of modular ‘opt-in’ business support and educational content and bespoke events.