ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘the-view-from-academia’ CATEGORY

Has Servitization Reached Critical Mass?

Jun 04, 2021 • FeaturesDigital TransformationThe View from AcademiaServitization and Advanced ServicesEMEAUniversity of LiverpoolChris Raddats

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined on the Field Service News Digital Symposium by Dr Chris Raddats of the University of Liverpool a seasoned expert with experience from both the industry and academic sides of the aisle...

Product-as-a-Service – is it only really rental by a different name?

Nov 22, 2020 • FeaturesThe View from Academia

Software-as-a-service has become well established, and recently a trend to sell Product-as-a-Service has emerged. PaaS is often sold in a similar way to products with limited additional services provided. From our perspective, this makes PaaS a...

The digital twin as an enabler for new service-base value propositions

Oct 07, 2020 • FeaturesThe View from Academia

Dr Shaun West of Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts takes a moment to share his latest work into where digital twins can bring data-rich insight that can drive active improvements in operational efficiency...

Survive Radical Change with Services

Jul 15, 2020 • FeaturesAdvanced Services GroupmanufacturingProfessor Tim BainesThe View from AcademiaCovid-19Servitization and Advanced Services

Professor Tim Baines, Director of the Advanced Services Group, Aston University and Dr. Ali Zia Bigdeli, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Services Innovation at Aston University argue manufacturing should embrace services as part of its post-COVID-19...

Overcoming the Challenges that are Slowing Down Servitization

Jun 15, 2020 • FeaturesThe View from AcademiaServitization and Advanced Services

Professor Shaun West of Luzern University uncovers some of the fundamental barriers manufacturers face when trying to implement a servitization strategy.

I Was Wrong (or Why Professors are not Clairvoyants)

Jun 08, 2020 • FeaturesAdvanced Services GroupThe View from AcademiaCovid-19Servitization and Advanced Services

Aston University’s Professor Tim Baines reflects on how the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has meant that he has had to re-evaluate his predictions from 2019 as industries rapidly pivot and shift their priorities and why servitization has a role...

Understanding the Barriers that are Slowing Digital Transformation

May 11, 2020 • FeaturesDigital TransformationShaun WestThe View from Academia

Dr Shaun West of Luzern University offers us some insight into the barriers to digital transformation - one of the biggest areas of focus within the field service sector globally...

The Human in the Digitally Enabled Product Service System

Apr 09, 2020 • future of field serviceLucenre UniversityServitizationShaun WestThe View from AcademiaServitization and Advanced Services

Dr. Shaun West, of Lucerne University, explains why increasingly it seems that we have made the mistake of designing services with the machine in mind and us mere humans are developing a habit of just getting in the way...

Servitization: where theory meets practice

Dec 09, 2019 • Featuresfuture of field serviceServitizationThe View from AcademiaServitization and Advanced Services

Chris Raddats from the University of Liverpool and previous guest on the Field Service Podcast looks forward to the issues that might dominate the servitization agenda over the coming years...

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