ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘lucenre-university’ CATEGORY

The Human in the Digitally Enabled Product Service System

Apr 09, 2020 • future of field serviceLucenre UniversityServitizationShaun WestThe View from AcademiaServitization and Advanced Services

Dr. Shaun West, of Lucerne University, explains why increasingly it seems that we have made the mistake of designing services with the machine in mind and us mere humans are developing a habit of just getting in the way...

Secret ways of value based pricing services in B2B markets

Dec 22, 2016 • FeaturesManagementArvikLucenre UniversitymanagementShaun WestUncategorizedParts Pricing and Logistics

Value based pricing is a hot topic in industry today, but what exactly is it and why is everyone talking about it?


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