Swisscom optimizes customer experience with Ericsson Expert Analytics

Dec 19, 2018 • News4G5GFuture of FIeld ServiceCloud servicesEricssonIoTSwissComDaniel StaubExpert AnalyticsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Ericsson has been selected by Swisscom, the largest telecommunications service provider in Switzerland, to enhance the consumer experience for its subscribers through deployment and integration of the Ericsson Expert Analytics solution into its...

Harnessing the Geek Next Door: SwissCom take on Crowd Service

Jun 20, 2017 • videoCoresystemscrowdsourcingFuture of FIeld ServiceLukas PeterSwissCom

Filmed at FieldServiceUSA in Palm Springs 2017 Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News talks exclusively to Lukas Peter of Swiss Telco giants SwissCom about their pioneering new service SwissCom friends which harnesses the power of...


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