ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘selling-service’ CATEGORY

Does Sales Have to be a Dirty Word in Service?

Apr 26, 2018 • FeaturesManagementbeyond great serviceJim Bastonselling serviceService and SalesTrusted Advisor

Jim Baston, the author of Beyond Great Service, tackles one of the most prominent questions amongst field service organizations - can service technicians sell without jeopardizing their trusted advisor status?

Value and Price: Understanding the Forces that Influence Service Revenue

Apr 13, 2018 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergXaaSField Service InsightsIoTselling serviceService RevenueSmart Services

Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Associates and Founder of Field Service Insights offers us an in-depth look at how the key market forces that influence service revenues...

How do you build a scalable service sales & delivery model?

Apr 11, 2018 • FeaturesManagementHilbrand RustemaNoventumRosanne Gresnigtselling serviceService SalesThe Service Factory

Rosanne Gresnigt and Hilbrand Rustema at specialist service management consultancy Noventum tackle one of the big challenges all field service organizations face - aligning the core functions of service and sales...

How Aware Are You of Your Field Service Organisation's Awareness in the Marketplace?

Feb 19, 2018 • FeaturesManagementmanagementMarketing ServicesBill Pollockselling serviceStrategies for Growth SM

As service becomes a core differentiator amongst competing for business the ability to sell the value of service is an essential facet of modern business strategy. Bill Pollock, President of Strategies for Growth discusses the nuance of marketing...

The Big Discussion: Service and Sales (part 4)

Sep 29, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergNick FrankBig DiscussionJim Bastonselling service

In the Big Discussion we will take one topic, bring together three leading experts on that topic and put four key questions to them to help us better understand its potential impact on the field service sector...

The Big Discussion: Service and Sales (part 2)

Sep 15, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergNick FrankBig DiscussionJim BastonSales and Serviceselling service

In the Big Discussion we will take one topic, bring together three leading experts on that topic and put four key questions to them to help us better understand its potential impact on the field service sector...

Infographic: Achieving revenue growth with your service operations

Mar 24, 2017 • ManagementconnectivityinfographicsresourcesField Service USAinfographicselling serviceService OperationsService Revenue

Ahead of this years Field Service USA event in Palm Springs, The team at WBR have put together this great infographic which takes a look at some of the key areas that will be under the lens this year...

An inside look at best practices in marketing and selling extended warranties

Mar 08, 2017 • FeaturesManagementMichael BlumbergresearchBlumberg Advisoryfield serviceselling service

Michael Blumberg, President of Blumberg Advisory Group gives us an insiders view of how to ensure our customers understand the true value of extended warranties and service contracts...

What service managers should know about sales

Mar 07, 2017 • FeaturesManagementCoen Jeukensfield serviceselling service

Coen Jeukens, Chief Service Officer, D-Essence describes himself as a business leader with sales DNA and a service heart, here he outlines the knowledge he thinks every service manager should have in his tool belt when it comes to selling service...

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