The Winning Plan

Nov 19, 2014 • FeaturesManagementNick Frankcase studiesService

In the penultimate part of his series Service Management specialist Nick Frank takes a look for that secret magic formula that creates winning companies in field service.... 

Time for Change – Why IT Project Managers need to manage the Change

Nov 17, 2014 • FeaturesManagementLeadentCHange ManagementIT Management

Pete Sharpe, Managing Consultant, Leadent Solutions looks at how the role of IT Management is beginning to evolve into something far more sophisticated than turning it off and on again... 

Modelling the perfect profitable client for a field service organisation

Nov 12, 2014 • FeaturesManagementAdvanced Field Servicecost centre to profit centre

As part of an exclusive series on twenty first century service management sponsored by Advanced Field Service, Field Service News Editor Kris Oldland takes a look at how to decide when it becomes unprofitable to take on a deal…

Service Community continues to thrive...

Nov 04, 2014 • ManagementNewsmanagementEventsService Community

The Service Community’s Manchester Event attracted over thirty delegates from a broad spectrum of small, medium and large organisations with guests travelling from as far afield as Brazil and the USA. The growth of The Community by more than 75%...

Mind the Metrics! The increasing importance of analytics in field service

Nov 03, 2014 • FeaturesManagementAnalysticsmanagementBill Pollock

The services sector has traditionally been guided by a succession of rules, regulations and policies that, hopefully, make us all better at supporting our customers and the global business economy, as a whole argues Strategies For Growth’s (SFG...

Understanding and applying effective Change Management: Part Six – Leading through the adoption cycle

Oct 15, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementresourcesWhite Papers & eBooksCHange Managementservicemax

We end our exclusive series on Change Management with a look at the final stage of Sharon Moura’s five step approach to change management leading through the adoption cycle…

Field Service News Industry Interviews: Dave Gordon, Rolls Royce, Part Five

Oct 10, 2014 • videoManagementmanagementNick FrankresourcesVideoRolls Royce

Part Five of an exclusive Field Service News interview with Dave Gordon, Rolls Royce.

Understanding and applying effective Change Management: Part Five – Leading through resistance

Oct 09, 2014 • FeaturesManagementUncategorized

Our exclusive series on applying change management in field service continues as we look at the fourth of five key steps outlined by Sharon Moura, VP of IT Transformation and Strategy with Tyco as she moved the company to ServiceMax’s field service...

Understanding and applying effective Change Management: Part Four Creating a Change Network.

Oct 03, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementCHange Managementservicemax

As Field Service News Editor, Kris Oldland continues our exclusive series looking at Change Management we move onto the third major consideration when undertaking a change management program, establishing a change agent network...

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