Covid-19: Collaboration with Leadent sees WorkWave's Route Planning Software Made Free of Charge for Essential Industries

Apr 01, 2020 • Fleet TechnologyNewsLeadentleadent solutionsRoute Planningcorona virusCovid-19

WorkWaves's Route Manager made free for six weeks in UK and Ireland.

Power Struggle

Mar 18, 2019 • FeaturesLeadentmanagementBritish GasutilitiesCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Underpinned by regulation and historically reluctant to embrace new technology such as big-data, the utilities service sector finds itself at a crossroads. Will 2019 be the year of the customer with industry watchdogs taking a back seat? Field...

How the Battleground for Field Service is Changing

Feb 16, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAlastair Clifford-JonesContinuous ImprovementLeadentPreventative MaintenanceIoT

Alastair Clifford-Jones, CEO of Leadent looks at how the focus of field service is shifting towards driving strategy rather than being a recipient of it...

What makes a good RFP?

Feb 07, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAlastair Clifford-JonesLeadentRFP

Leadent CEO, Alastair Clifford-Jones discusses the fundamental elements that should come together when building a strong request for proposal document...

Snog, Marry, Avoid? What To Do With Your Ageing Field Service Technology

Dec 21, 2017 • FeaturesAlistair Clifford-JonesLeadentLegacy systemsCHange ManagementSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Leadent CEO, Alastair Clifford-Jones tackles the tricky issue of ageing technology...

Stepping out of the cocoon?

Jan 18, 2017 • FeaturesLeadentOracleSoftware and Apps

After a decade of building a solid reputation as a management consultancy specialising in mobile workforce management, Leadent recently announced a new string to their bow - Leadent Service Cloud. It’s a bold step to move from consultant to solution...

Why customer experience matters when your customer service fails

Oct 25, 2016 • FeaturesManagementLeadentCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Today’s market does not lend itself to brand loyalty, and with the growing commoditisation of services, field service organisations are increasingly finding they need to focus on customer experience to differentiate themselves from the competition...

IT Managers: The importance of the bigger picture

Oct 18, 2016 • FeaturesLeadentIT ManagersSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Alastair Clifford-Jones, CEO at Leadent Service Cloud, looks at the challenges IT managers working within service organisations face... 

Customer experience – 5 key steps to help you close the loop

Oct 12, 2016 • FeaturesLeadentSoftware and AppsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

We all know that customers are vital to any business, but they are increasingly so for a field service one writes Rachel Pullen of Leadent Service Cloud...

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