ETELM Begins Work on Final Phase of European Union-Commissioned BroadWay Pilot

Oct 26, 2021 • NewsTelecommunicationsManaging the Mobile WorkforceEMEAMobile BroadbandETELMFRONTLINE WORKERS

ETELM, the radio communications infrastructure specialist, has entered the third and final phase of its work with the BroadPort consortium to develop a pan-European interoperable mobile broadband system for Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR)...

ETELM Named Partner as the European Commission Launches the INTREPID Project for Safer and Faster Exploration of Disaster Sites

Jul 23, 2021 • NewsTelecommunicationsManaging the Mobile WorkforceEMEAETELM

ETELM, the radio communications infrastructure specialist, has been named as part of the INTEPID project consortium awarded €6.8 million by the European Commission. The aim of the consortium is to create an innovative new platform for the safer and...

ETELM Named as Partner In the BroadWay pan-European Public Safety Network

Oct 20, 2020 • NewsTelecommunicationsManaging the Mobile WorkforceEMEAETELM

ETELM, the radio communications infrastructure specialist, has entered the second phase of its work with the BroadPort consortium in developing a pan-European interoperable mobile broadband system for Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR) users.

B-LiFE and ETELM Deploy a Mobile Laboratory in Italy to Carry Out COVID-19 Tests

Oct 15, 2020 • NewsDigital TransformationTelecommunicationsCovid-19B-LIFEETELM

As one of the most severely affected places by COVID-19, the Government of the Piedmont Region in Italy requested that the B-LiFE (Biological Light Field Laboratory for Emergencies) service was deployed in the area since June to carry out vital...


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