ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘driver-behaviour’ CATEGORY

eBook Overview: Gaming the System to improve driver behaviour

Oct 28, 2015 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyGamificationresourceswhite papersWhite Papers & eBooksDriver Behaviourtelogis

Resource Type: eBook Published by:  Telogis Title Gaming the System to improve driver behaviour Download: Click here to Download the full ebook here

SGN targets £1 million savings with improved driver behaviour

Oct 08, 2015 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyDriver BehaviourSGNtelematicsTomTom Telematics

UK gas distribution company SGN expects to save about £1million by implementing a driver performance improvement programme across its 2,000-strong fleet.

Guide to changing driver behaviour: TomTom Telematics

Sep 14, 2015 • FeaturesFleet Technologyfleet technologyDriver BehaviourtelematicsTomTom Telematics

Giles Margerison, Sales Director UK & Ireland at TomTom Telematics, looks at the cost and efficiency benefits of improving driving performance standards.

Utility company cuts speeding by 97% with Masternaut telematics

Jul 09, 2015 • Fleet TechnologyNewsmasternautDriver Behaviourtelematics

Smart meter installation and maintenance company Trojan Utilities has reduced its fuel usage by 24% after implementing a telematics system from Masternaut across its 100-plus strong fleet of vans. The system is used for a range of purposes by...

One in six business drivers feel invincible when driving

May 25, 2015 • Fleet TechnologyNewsfleet technologymasternautDriver Behaviour

Despite 86% of fleets experiencing collisions in the past 12-months, an alarming number of drivers are still driving without consideration for their safety...

FleetCor and Masternaut come together as need for telematics increases

Aug 25, 2014 • Fleet TechnologyNewsFleetCormasternautDriver Behaviourfleet management

One of the worlds leading companies in specialised fleet management payment cards FleetCor have significantly increased their role in the European fleet management sector by acquiring one of Europe’s leading telematics providers Masternaut.

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