New book outlines a step-by-step path to servitization

Jul 30, 2017 • FeaturesManagementAndy NeelyWolfgang UlagabooksChristian KowalkowskiDr. Michael ProvostHoward LightfootServitizationServitization Conferencetim baines

With the topic of Servitization gaining more and more traction both in manufacturing circles and beyond a new industry book that provides a roadmap to making the shift towards advanced, outcome based services could well be of vital use for service...

#fsn20 - The 20 most influential people in field service: 2017 edition (page 3)

Mar 03, 2017 • Andy NeelyFSN20Future of FIeld ServiceJan Van VeenLocal GovernmentMomentum FrameworkNoventumOneserveChris ProctorHilebrandhousing associationInstitute for ManufacturingRustemaServitization

Who are the most influential people in the global field service sector that you need to pay attention to in 2017?


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