Shared Field Service Knowledge in an On-Demand World

Oct 21, 2019 • FeaturesManagementAly PinderIDCKnowledge ManagementKnowledge SharingKnowledge TransferMillenialls

IDC’s Aly Pinder explores one of the most crucial conundrums facing field service organisations today - how to ensure knowledge transfer is seamless across the organisation...

Security in the Age of IoT

Oct 08, 2019 • FeaturesManagementAly PinderIoT Security

IDC’s Aly Pinder tackles one of the core challenges of modern field service as the Internet of Things potentially brings new vulnerabilities to the perennial cyber security channels...

Customers Play a Role In their Own Satisfaction: Partnerships in Quality Field Service and Support.

Mar 19, 2019 • FeaturesAly PinderIDCCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

According to research from IDC 30% of manufacturers will soon provide personalized dashboards for customers by 2023 which could lead to a new era of customer satisfaction: customer collaboration. Aly Pinder explores the potential of this evolution. 

Augmenting the Field Service Talent Gap

Jan 15, 2019 • FeaturesAly PinderAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceIDCmanufacturing

Aly Pinder looks at three ways in which manufacturers must consider leveraging augmented service tools...

Connected Products Will Drive Transformation in Field Service

Sep 18, 2018 • FeaturesAly PinderArtificial intelligenceConnected productsFuture of FIeld ServiceIDCmanufacturingRemote AssistanceInternet of ThingsProactive Maintenance

Aly Pinder outlines how the growing trend for connected products is set to revolutionise the way we approach service...

#fsn20 – The 20 most influential people in field service: 2017 edition (page 2)

Mar 06, 2017 • aberdeenAly PinderFSN20Future of FIeld ServiceKevin JonesMArne MArtinMichael BlumberNexusNick Frankon-Demand EconomyPanasonicQuantum AnnealingBBA ConsultingBlumberg Advisory GroupDave YarnoldJim Bastonselling serviceservicemaxservicepowerSi2 partnersThe Service CouncilTouchbook20TOughbookParts Pricing and Logistics

Who are the most influential people in the global field service sector that you need to pay attention to in 2017?

Connect your remote field service workforce to the team

Nov 09, 2016 • FeaturesManagementAly Pindermanagement

No man is an island, so don’t leave your field service technicians isolated if you want to ensure you keep delivering field service excellence writes Aly Pinder...

Don’t give me more data, give me actionable data

Jul 12, 2016 • FeaturesManagementAly PinderDatabig databusiness intelligence

Aberdeen’s Aly Pinder asks are we smarter than we were in the past, or do we just have better access to data?

Focus on the customer, they hold the keys to success

Mar 02, 2016 • FeaturesManagementAly PinderCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Whilst technology drives innovation within our industry, we must not forget the basic fundamentals of field service, namely putting the customer at the heart of everything we do writes Aberdeen Group’s Aly Pinder...

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