Swisscom optimizes customer experience with Ericsson Expert Analytics

Dec 19, 2018 • News4G5GFuture of FIeld ServiceCloud servicesEricssonIoTSwissComDaniel StaubExpert AnalyticsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

Ericsson has been selected by Swisscom, the largest telecommunications service provider in Switzerland, to enhance the consumer experience for its subscribers through deployment and integration of the Ericsson Expert Analytics solution into its...

Verizon and Ericsson expand 4G LTE partnership, prepare for 5G launch

Jul 30, 2018 • News4G4GLTE5GFuture of FIeld Servicemobile computingmobile internetVerizonYossi CohenEd ChanEricssonfield servicefield service managementService Management

With mobile computing and field service operations now becoming inextribably linked many field service organisations will benefit greatly from the full 4G coverage and in the not so distant future 5G could possibly make interactions between the...

Top ten technology trends for the field service industry in 2015 – Part Three: Drones, 3D Printing, 4G and Integrated Platforms

Jan 23, 2015 • Features3D printing4GFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field servicedronesIntegrated platformsUAD

Within the last decade technology has altered the way field service companies operate irrevocably, yet the technology now emerging on the horizon could change the game even further.

Across the last few weeks Field Service News has been looking at...


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