Smart Agora parcel kiosks enable cheaper and flexible 24/7 e-commerce deliveries and returns

Nov 28, 2018 • NewsPodcastbyboxfield servicefield service managementfield service technologyService ManagementAgorae-commerceSimon FahieParts Pricing and LogisticsManaging the Mobile Workforce

The Finnish Agora Networks is bringing city dwellers the Agora parcel kiosks with the goal of reducing e-commerce fees with the help of Clear Channel's outdoor advertising and by offering versatile 24/7 services. By the end of 2019 more than 200 kiosks will be set up around Finland and the concept will also be taken abroad.

An Agora kiosk is a multifunctional robotic machine for parcel deliveries, which is located out of doors, and which also helps create new kinds of Smart City services, such as 24/7 remote libraries and remote pharmacies. Agora kiosks also offer a platform for equipment that measures air quality and for WiFi/5G base stations.

Agora Networks has started building a network of Agora kiosks in the Helsinki area and Tampere. The first Agora kiosk was installed at the PostNord terminal in Vantaa in May and the actual construction of the network began in Helsinki with the installation of an Agora kiosk on Monday, 12 November. The goal is to install more than 200 Agora kiosks by the end of 2019. Agora kiosks are to be placed in several cities both in public areas and in retail locations of the K Group.

As we have already seen from ByBox such solutions can go a long way to overcoming the challenge of parts delivery to increasingly congested urban areas, so it will be interesting to see if Agora to turn their attention to the field service market, although they will also need to then consider how locker solutions can enhance the service supply chain as Kris Oldland, Editor-In-Chief,, discussed with Simon Fahie, Managing Director, ByBox in a recent episode of the FIeld Service Podcast. 


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