Research Analysis - Service Revenue increases whilst product revenue declines

Nov 27, 2018 • videoFeaturesManagementAsteamanufacturingfield service revenueService RevenueJohn Hunt

In the first of a four-part series of excerpts from an exclusive video presentation Kris Oldland, Editor-In-Chief, Field Service News, is joined by John Hunt, Managing Director, EMEA, Astea discuss the findings of a recent research project Astea worked together with WBR to produce looking at the key trends amongst service-centric manufacturers.

In this initial episode, the two discuss that whilst 37% of companies are mostly or entirely product sales driven, in fact, 45% are seeing product revenue decline, but 75% claim that service revenue is increasing.


 Want to know more? The full length video of this presentation is available as premium content to subscribers...

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